We all know that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is very important to maintain a quality website with sufficient traffic. SEO is the process of increasing traffic to your website by increasing its quality and visibility in the search engine. Search Engine Optimization is done by using keywords, providing hyperlinks to other websites, etc.
Do you know what is Local SEO vs. Organic SEO? The major difference is that Local SEO has a geographical component whereas Organic SEO lacks the geographical component. The searches specifying the location, for example, Business SEO in Singapore, is a search with local intent. And the search produces information from websites in Singapore. At the same time, if you are not specifying location, for example, Business SEO, lacks a local intent. And, this type of search produces information from websites all around the world. To be precise a search with industry plus location is called Local and a search with only the name of industry is called Organic.
Local Search Engine Optimization aims at promoting the products within the local market and among the native people whereas Organic Search Engine Optimization aims at promoting the products in the local as well as international markets. Organic SEO has no geographical constraints.
“The word “”SEO”” has a lot of definitions, and what’s even more confusing is that they all have to do with search engine optimization (or not). Visit https://digitrio.com.sg/what-is-seo/ and find out how SEO can help your business grow!”